Move-It is a 10 axis sensor with 3 axis Accelerometer, 3 axis Gyroscope, 3 axis Magnetometer and 1 barometer. It is a perfect device to monitor motion in real time.
Move-It is a wireless device which can be connected to a mobile phone via Bluetooth and is supplied with its Android application.
Move-It is commonly used to measure jump high, speed, to record a race with acceleration and speed indications, for falling detection etc.
Gyroscope: 3 axis Gyroscope: up to 150 Hz 16bit samples , 250° 500° 1000 ° 2000° configurable sensivity
Magnetometer: 3 axis Magnetometer: up to 160 HZ 12bit samples 5 mili Gauss résolution
Accelerometer: 3 axis Accelerometer: up to 150 Hz, 16 bits Samples. 2g 4g 8g 16g configurable sensivity
Barometer: up to 100 Hz 24 bit samples 10cm résolution
Communication: Bluetooth Class 2 radio with range up to 30m in free air, GPS (optional) Mediatek chip with patch antenna
Microcontroller: 32 bits
Battery: 3.7 V Lithium ion battery rechargeable via mini USB connector
Storage: 2GB SD Card + Mass storage access
Dimensions: 50 x 80 x 20 mm (W x L x H)
Weight: 66g